Ahmadabad (1) Ahmedabad (1) Algorithms (1) Bigdata (3) Cloud (20) Common (20) Crawler (3) Crawler & scrapper (4) Google (2) Hacking (7) Latitude (1) Linux (14) Longitude (1) Maps (1) PHP (7) Python (4) Scrapper (1) Search Engine (2) Short Story (1) Wordpress (3) about me (1) about vishvendra (1) aurbackup (1) big files (1) browser (1) docker (5) download (1) download index (1) elasticsearch (1) encryption (1) firefox (1) java (1) mount drive (1) mysql (1) news (2) performance (1) project (1) proxy (1) raspberry pi (1) remote desktop (1) social media (1) speed test (1) squid (1) store image in database (1) terminal (1) torrent (1) twitter (1) unzip (1) web (1) wgat (1) whatsapp (1) youtube (2) zip (1)

 Ahmadabad (1)

BRTS - Fast bus service in ahmedabad , is having the best bus drivers.

 Ahmedabad (1)

BRTS - Fast bus service in ahmedabad , is having the best bus drivers.

 Algorithms (1)

Php program for insertion sort, Easy implementation

 Bigdata (3)

All news at one place
Docker commands for elasticsearch cluster
Crazy day, I indexed 30GB file having 53 million lines of json data to elastic

 Cloud (20)

2tb storage cloud storge and media server with pi
shutting down cloud server on shivalink.com
All news at one place
ttld.in 193142, indian phone number online
Cloud and their performance
web based rtorrent with docker
browser based remote desktop of ubuntu linux with docker
Mount google drive via terminal without browser
easy docker for high speed internet proxy
run docker easy instance
Docker based remote firefox
Docker commands for elasticsearch cluster
Hasss The cloud is ready now at Shivalink.com
Crazy day, I indexed 30GB file having 53 million lines of json data to elastic
Remote desktop on cloud
having taste of gcloud and crawler(scrapper)
PHP script to unzip file
Download file directly in server with php script
Website to upload big files directly to Google Drive or DropBox
Ahmedabad riots, No internet Its like old stone age here

 Common (20)

shutting down cloud server on shivalink.com
want to auto backup your website here is a script in php
add js or css depending on browser with php
Linux speed test and benchmarking
too many files to zip use this command
Completed coding of recursive crawler
Store image with mysqli
Store image in mysql
want to auto backup your website here is a script in php
PHP script to unzip file
Download file directly in server with php script
Website to upload big files directly to Google Drive or DropBox
Backup & Restore wordpress from localhost to Remote Server
Need to Increase Word Press memory
Restore wordpress from localhost to Remote Server with No Data Loss
Google Place autocomplete & Longitude & Latitude script
Birthday pic
Ahmedabad riots, No internet Its like old stone age here
putted this website on cloud...:)
Welcome to my blog - vishvendra singh's Blog

 Crawler (3)

All news at one place
Crawler 3.0 is here (Parallel Approach to crawling for Surface crawling)
Completed coding of recursive crawler

 Crawler & scrapper (4)

All news at one place
ttld.in 193142, indian phone number online
Crawler 2.0 multiprocess
Crawler 3.0 is here (Parallel Approach to crawling for Surface crawling)

 Google (2)

google hacks
Google Place autocomplete & Longitude & Latitude script

 Hacking (7)

follow or unfollow more than 1000 twitter follows a day above the daily limit of twitter
ssh tunnel for port on internet without port forwarding
fail2ban sendmail
google hacks
easy docker for high speed internet proxy
unable to download file in linux terminal try this one
How to Hack Whatsapp

 Latitude (1)

Google Place autocomplete & Longitude & Latitude script

 Linux (14)

Base64 talk encrypted
Download youtube linux terminal
ttld.in 193142, indian phone number online
ssh tunnel for port on internet without port forwarding
fail2ban sendmail
Put basic apache authentication on squid
web based rtorrent with docker
browser based remote desktop of ubuntu linux with docker
Mount google drive via terminal without browser
easy docker for high speed internet proxy
unable to download file in linux terminal try this one
Download required files only from web directory
mount fuse drive with ssh command
Linux speed test and benchmarking

 Longitude (1)

Google Place autocomplete & Longitude & Latitude script

 Maps (1)

Generating a Google Map with multiple markers and info windows

 PHP (7)

want to auto backup your website here is a script in php
add js or css depending on browser with php
PHP script to unzip file
Download file directly in server with php script
Php program for insertion sort, Easy implementation
Backup & Restore wordpress from localhost to Remote Server
Here is 4 best methods to prevent access to your php file directly

 Python (4)

Youtube downloader no software required
All news at one place
Crawler 2.0 multiprocess
Crawler 3.0 is here (Parallel Approach to crawling for Surface crawling)

 Scrapper (1)

Crawler 3.0 is here (Parallel Approach to crawling for Surface crawling)
All news at one place
google hacks

 Short Story (1)

A confused and low confident Indian boy-No I am a man

 Wordpress (3)

A plugin for best visitor details
Backup & Restore wordpress from localhost to Remote Server
Restore wordpress from localhost to Remote Server with No Data Loss

 about me (1)

A confused and low confident Indian boy-No I am a man

 about vishvendra (1)

A confused and low confident Indian boy-No I am a man

 aurbackup (1)

want to auto backup your website here is a script in php

 big files (1)

Website to upload big files directly to Google Drive or DropBox

 browser (1)

Docker based remote firefox

 docker (5)

web based rtorrent with docker
browser based remote desktop of ubuntu linux with docker
easy docker for high speed internet proxy
run docker easy instance
Docker based remote firefox

 download (1)

Download file directly in server with php script

 download index (1)

Download required files only from web directory

 elasticsearch (1)

Docker commands for elasticsearch cluster

 encryption (1)

Base64 talk encrypted

 firefox (1)

Docker based remote firefox

 java (1)

Different ways to create objects in Java

 mount drive (1)

mount fuse drive with ssh command

 mysql (1)

Store image with mysqli

 news (2)

All news at one place
Alleged founder of world’s largest BitTorrent distribution site arrested

 performance (1)

Cloud and their performance

 project (1)

Youtube downloader no software required

 proxy (1)

easy docker for high speed internet proxy

 raspberry pi (1)

2tb storage cloud storge and media server with pi

 remote desktop (1)

Remote desktop on cloud

 social media (1)

follow or unfollow more than 1000 twitter follows a day above the daily limit of twitter

 speed test (1)

Linux speed test and benchmarking

 squid (1)

Put basic apache authentication on squid

 store image in database (1)

Store image with mysqli

 terminal (1)

Download youtube linux terminal

 torrent (1)

Alleged founder of world’s largest BitTorrent distribution site arrested

 twitter (1)

follow or unfollow more than 1000 twitter follows a day above the daily limit of twitter

 unzip (1)

PHP script to unzip file

 web (1)

add js or css depending on browser with php

 wgat (1)

Download required files only from web directory

 whatsapp (1)

How to Hack Whatsapp

 youtube (2)

Youtube downloader no software required
Download youtube linux terminal

 zip (1)

too many files to zip use this command