A very advance crawler by Mr Nirav in node.js when tested on internet got us 1,93,142 Names and phone numbers that is 1 lac and 93 thousands people have kept their phone numbers online from india. Now our machine know them all. Will be posting more on this till...
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ssh tunnel for port on internet without port forwarding
Hi, the below command do really have magical effect to bring ur local port on internet, Support you are on nat (nat like you have, and you dont have public ip, but you want to show your friend your webserver, or you want him to ssh your system remotely...
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fail2ban sendmail
fail2ban do not send mails after installation so you need to do these changes in jail.conf-
File is available at /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
change action = %(action_)s to
action = %(action_mw)s
change destemail = youremail
and dont forget to take backup first
google hacks
Are you a information hacker? or your dream is to be one. These are the google search those reveal any website secrets from to google to you. For Directory listing vulnerabilities type intitle:index.of For Configuration files exposed type ext:xml | ext:conf | ext:cnf | ext:reg | ext:inf |...
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want to auto backup your website here is a script in php
Add this in your cPanel or cloud configure it a little and enjoy the full backup