Hasss The cloud is ready now at Shivalink.com

Yes The Cloud shivalink.com is ready and waiting for first signup, Current capacity 26 User per 5GB, with nginx and owncloud. Hosting capacity upto 40 users with SSD and Link speed of 1Gbps Out speed and 5Gbps Incoming unmetered Bandwidth... :) . It has mail server, apache with CGI for all... [Read More]
Tags: Cloud

Crawler 2.0 multiprocess

Hi every one, How could I miss crawler 2.0 and posted 3.0 before this. Here I am posting 2.0 crawler with multiprocess facility.. ;) Actually 3.0 thread based crawler was easy to develop, and now it is the time for release of final 2.0. Why I am making crawler,  actually... [Read More]

Remote desktop on cloud

I is really interesting to use remote cloud server computer as personal computer remotely, I am using Digital ocean SSD cloud it is really very fast and one of the best choices. you can play games and do you stuff speed is 1Gbps it is really awesome. follow this link... [Read More]