I had very big backup file in my cloud machine I had the link and now I wanted to upload it my google drive or drop box. So I found this on internet that really helped me to upload file directly without Downloading/uploading it to my pc.
Backup & Restore wordpress from localhost to Remote Server
Recently I stuck in the middle. I had completed the wordpress theme in wamp(Windows), and now I wanted to move it to cPanel (linux). And the had full path like C:\wamp\www. Now when I uploaded this theme to server, the uploaded version of it was totally distorted. I tried different...
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Need to Increase Word Press memory
Need to Increase Word Press memory Edit this file here - wp-includes/default-constants.php
// set memory limits
if ( !defined('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT') ) {
if ( is_multisite() ) {
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');
} else {
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '40M');
change 40 to some other value
Restore wordpress from localhost to Remote Server with No Data Loss
Recently I stuck in the middle. I had completed the wordpress theme in wamp(Windows), and now I wanted to move it to cPanel (linux). And the had full path like C:\wamp\www. Now when I uploaded this theme to server, the uploaded version of it was totally distorted. I tried different...
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Google Place autocomplete & Longitude & Latitude script
Use the below code to Use the most advanced feature of google of places auto complete & get longitude & latitude of the selected place instantly. Replace the Your_key with your own google app key
<!DOCTYPE html>
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